About Ali Educational & Empowerment Trust (AEET)
Ali Educational & Empowerment Trust (AEET), is an Indian social development organization, is directly benefitting over 5 lakh children and their families every year. We have more than 200 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, rural development, livelihood, and women’s empowerment in over 1,000 remote villages and urban slums across 25 states of India.
The groundwork for a better life lies in education. It is the most powerful catalyst for social transformation and its Key of success. However, a child cannot be educated in isolation. Only an empowered family, especially the mother, would be willing to educate their child. Thus, rather than focusing on only one stage of a person’s life, we believe in the lifecycle approach.
Education empowers an individual to earn their livelihood and also increases one’s awareness on a range of issues. From healthcare, to appropriate social behavior, to understanding one’s rights – Smile Foundation seeks to educate, empower and enhance cultivate better citizens.



Our Reach
In keeping with its philosophy of ‘Real Work Real Change’, Ali Educational & Empowerment Trust (AEET) , an NGO in Sakaldiha Chandauli, India to support the underserved, has taken its intervention into the interiors of India, reaching the unreached in the remotest of rural areas and urban slums with our services and making this helping foundation in India, the best NGO in India.
villages & slums

Our Work
Following a lifecycle approach, AEET, among the top NGO in India, works intensively through focused welfare projects in four major areas – child education for poor children, healthcare for families, skills training and livelihood for youth, and community engagement through women empowerment.